Son – Principal Hugh Gully
Leading by example, Hugh Gully is a great role model for the sons and the daughters at Nelson Intermediate School.
Hugh is a keen cyclists and has ridden the Rainbow Rage 10 times. He says he’s proud to have joined the illustrious 1000 km club through the Rainbow.
Asked about when he started cycling, Hugh replies “I have been Mountain Biking so long that when we started it was on old 10 speeds bikes in Abel Tasman and up the Maitai before the dam was built. These early expeditions were in the 1970’s!!”
Hugh continued, “Thankfully the bikes and trails have improved so we can all now enjoy the remarkable cycle trails in out region. I have really enjoyed biking in recent months with our Nelson Intermediate camps at Lake Rotoiti and using the trails at Teetotal Flat. This was a great way to introduce many students to off road cycling. We are seeing an increase in students cycling and many are taking advantage of the Railway Reserve and newley formed St Vincient St dual cycle way.”
To get the next generation cycling, Nelson needs more role models like Hugh.